2024 Hostplus Awards for Excellence

2024 AFE Nominations

Please select the business type & your membership to begin the AFE nomination process. Email our team to become an R&CA member to receive discounted AFE nomination prices.

R&CA Member
$179 per restaurant category
$349 per catering category
$589 per category
$749 per category

Why enter?

Industry Recognition
Recognising metropolitan and regional venues in a variety of categories.
Marketing and PR
Finalists and winners will receive marketing assets to add to their website and social media. Winners have the opportunity to be promoted by local media.
Staff morale & motivation
Celebrate with your staff for their hard work and dedication.
Increase credibility
Being part of an awards program can boot credibility, increase brand awareness and establish you as an industry leader.
Networking Opportunities
The award gala dinners provide an opportunity to connect with like-minded people.